PRIME UK / Europe Conference Programme released today!

PRIME UK / Europe Conference, March 2025

‘Shaping PRIME for the future’


Our early bird booking period has been extended until the 14th  February!

Join us to celebrate what PRIME has offered across the world in the last 12 months and to consider together how we can continue our work effectively into the future.

  • Full Residential Delegates for Doctors £300 early bird / £350 thereafter

  • Reduced Residential Delegates* £250 early bird / £300 thereafter

  • Students £200

  • 24 hour Delegate Rate £150 per person per day (includes B&B, lunch, dinner & refreshments)

  • Day Visitor Rates: Lunch only £60 or Lunch & Dinner £85 per person per day

* Reduced rates for doctors in their first 5 years after qualification, nurses, midwives, allied health professionals & others on lower incomes.

  • Friday evening will be a celebration of PRIME's first 20 years -
    we will be joined online by some of our international partners for this momentous occasion

  • Optional refreshments and lunch on arrival can be added to your booking for £20 per person if you are able to join us on the Friday

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