
Showing posts from 2020

Christmas Greetings - PRIME International Email December 2020

Global Conference 2020 Bursary Impact Report

Reflections on a Falling Wall

Find out what some of what we are up to in the PRIME Autumn/Winter 2020 Newsletter

Our next Bristol Network Group meeting will take place on Friday 11th December 2020. 7:30pm via Zoom. Please get in touch if you would like to join.


PRIME HQ is closed this week for the UK half term - we will be back at work on Monday 2nd November #StaySafe

Our Treasure in this Pandemic

The neglected heart of medicine and education: Why medicine ought to be kinder

Compassion Without Burnout

PRIME HQ Reopens

God is not in Lockdown

New Nursing Rep joins the PRIME Management Team...

Like what you read?

Where are we going - the future of PRIME

NEW Compassion Without Burnout Webinar

A Quiet Room

PRIME Local Network Group meetings going ahead via Zoom

A New Awareness


Altruism in the times of Calamity

PRIME contact arrangements in light of the global Coronavirus pandemic

Jesus as a teacher and leader