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PRIME are seeking to recruit new trustees - can you help?

  The PRIME Trustees have legal responsibility for PRIME’s strategic direction, management and administration. Trustees are responsible for: Overseeing the strategic vision of PRIME through the 5-year Strategic Plan Managing PRIME’s finances responsibly Meeting the statutory requirements of the Charity Commission (see Annual Report 2022-2023 recently published) The position is voluntary although Trustees can claim expenses in connection with this role. The Board normally meets three times each year.  If you know somebody with expertise in fundraising or marketing and communication who might be interested in bringing these skills to the Trustee Board, please tell them about PRIME and share this mailing with them. If they are interested please invite them to download the Trustee Information Pack . Whether or not you know someone with these skills, do please pray that we can recruit to these important roles. Thank you. Kate Gerrish CHAIR OF TRUSTEES

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