Global Conference 2020 - Bookings now being taken
The PRIME Global Conference 2020 promises to be another exciting, stimulating time, of mutual learning and encouragement as we continue to develop together as an international family and push into new areas of activity.
This year's conference will be taking place from Tuesday 10th - Friday 13th March 2020 at the King's Park Conference Centre, Northampton, UK.
Join colleagues from more than 15 countries for a programme that will include many stories from PRIME (where tutors share their experiences of teaching with PRIME in the UK and around the world) and spotlights (where delegates from many countries including UK describe the work they are doing that is consistent with the PRIME vision of ‘restoring the heart of healthcare’).
There will be a major emphasis on multi-disciplinary teaching to include nurses and other health-care professionals (HCP’s) as this is now occurring in many countries where PRIME is working, and on exploring how we can collaborate both locally and globally with other organisations like International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA), Nurses Christian Felllowship International (NCFI), Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) and Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) .
Find out more or book a place online at