Calling PRIME Tutors... new family medicine opportunities in Africa

For some years our friends at CMC Vellore in India have been running a two-year Diploma in Family Medicine programme to train high quality primary care doctors with a view to improving healthcare in more rural and deprived areas of the country. Several PRIME tutors have been involved delivering this by providing teaching over a two-week direct contact phase which runs twice a year in India. Person-centred medicine is a foundation of this programme and it has in many ways adopted principles which PRIME espouses.
With the support of ICMDA the diploma is now being rolled out to the other countries (Cambodia, Nigeria, Uganda) - initially starting in 2020 with existing trainers. However, more trainers will be needed to provide training in these new countries by next summer.
PRIME and ICMDA are hosting a training workshop for anyone interested in finding out more. Representatives from CMC who run the programme from India, will be coming to the UK to run the two days together with some of the PRIME tutors already involved.
Possible Future Commitment:
Tutors would need to be able to commit a minimum of two weeks a year for one of the contact teaching phases, with the option of four weeks to teach on both.

This would ideally suit a Primary Care teacher with less PRIME experience, who is able to free up this sort of time and wishes to explore teaching in a foreign environment. The two weeks will only require a minimum of prior planning from attending tutors as the curriculum is well supported by teaching materials and logistics. Accommodation and hospitality will be available on the ground in-country.
More information available from the following links:

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