Christian values in health care – do they make any difference?
A brief look at the background to the growing concern for values in health care and a summary presentation of three papers showing the health benefits of positive values demonstrated by the doctor in the consultation.
Speaker: Dr Huw Morgan MBChB MRCGP Cert Med Ed FHEA, PRIME Executive and Senior Tutor
Part of the Science, Health and the Health of our Society, PRIME 10th Anniversary Symposium, 31st March 2012.
To find out more about this event or book a place visit our website.
Speaker: Dr Huw Morgan MBChB MRCGP Cert Med Ed FHEA, PRIME Executive and Senior Tutor
Part of the Science, Health and the Health of our Society, PRIME 10th Anniversary Symposium, 31st March 2012.
To find out more about this event or book a place visit our website.