Flourishing - PRIME International Email - February 2021
This month's International Email is an article by experienced PRIME tutor Dr Louise Younie, reproduced with permission from the Journal of Holistic Health Care, about Flourishing in Medical Education. In it she challenges the now widely accepted concept of Resilience as an antidote to burnout, arguing that this can become another competency to master that potentially invites 'naming and shaming' from colleagues of those unable to 'bounce back' . A more positive and effective way of framing the avoidance of burnout, she argues, is 'Flourishing', which is richer psychologically and in its metaphors, taking account of meaning, values and engagement. She refers to the growing evidence from research on flourishing in education and refers to her own work in creative enquiry with students, promoting lived experience through engagement with the arts, co-creating ways to flourish and supporting students in their own journey of flourishing. A fascinating read!
Huw Morgan