New Nursing Rep joins the PRIME Management Team...
As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that the voices of nurses and other allied health professionals are represented at the centre of PRIME we are delighted to announce that Jo Blaker RGN has joined the PRIME Management Team. She replaces Professor Kate Gerrish CBE, who has moved on to become one of our Trustees, and will be involved in many of the day-to-day decisions...
"My name is Jo Blaker and I am a Registered Nurse with 30 years or so of clinical experience. I have been involved with PRIME for a number of years, and have recently joined the Management Team in order to represent nurses, and to try and support a more multi-professional dimension to the Whole Person Healthcare that PRIME represents.
Historically PRIME has mainly consisted of doctors teaching Whole Person Healthcare to other doctors and medical students, but everyone within PRIME can see huge value and potential in expanding our vision to cover all healthcare professionals, because the Whole Person Healthcare message is important whoever we are and whatever healthcare or academic healthcare setting we are in.
Things are changing within PRIME, as with many other organisations due to Covid-19, and we are currently exploring ways of using technology to teach our Whole Person vision, instead of actually visiting teaching establishments or even other countries. This may open up areas for all Healthcare Professionals to offer our skills without leaving the sofa, so if you have any ideas or would like to become involved in this please get in touch with Jo via the PRIME Office ("