The PRIME Newsletter AUTUMN 2018

Snapshots from a number of PRIME's tutors as they reveal some of the realities and delights of sharing whole person compassionate care across the globe... this edition includes Australia, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Seychelles, Uganda...
In this issue:
- he sows seeds in seychelles - Seychelles
- notes from nepal - Nepal
- perusing whole person medicine - Peru
- the story of the stethoscope
- snippets - Norway, India
- olds and news and futures - Australia
- making medicine more humane - Mozambique
- a passage to india - India
- update from CHALAPI - Uganda
Click here to read the newsletter
"They launched into group role play scenarios with theatrical enthusiasm. Nurses and AHPs confidently ran discussion groups, and all healthcare workers were full of ideas of how to develop their clinical areas and a caring philosophy. Groups were in conducted in English, but when discussions became particularly animated, staff defaulted to Creole!"
"I could not have imagined the impact that this training seemed to offer the participants and we all have hope that this change in knowledge and skills and attitudes will echo into the lives of many. We were humbled to be a small part of this.”
“For these reasons I believe that if we want to change the minds and hearts of health professionals it is important to start doing it when they are students. We have a lot to do!”
The team states, “We consider our time in Mozambique the most productive so far. The participants were extremely interested in the topics and in being agents for change in their country."
"We were joined by a visitor the other day after we had had our afternoon break. A little mouse was on the table and eating up the biscuit crumbs with relish. It has joined us since running across the floor mid-lecture and then back when it was biscuit time. As I wasn’t giving the lecture I kept guard over the biscuits."
Read the newsletter here