New Trustees join our Board...

We are delighted to introduce our new Trustees... Rachel Hennessy, Tony Kemp and Pablo Fernandez. Between them they bring different voices and experiences to our team...

Dr Rachel Hennessy, MBChB, FRCPsych is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Co-Medical Director at Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust.  She qualified in Leicester in 1984, and trained in psychiatry at St Georges London, she has a lengthy experience in leadership and management in a variety of roles in the NHS and is currently training as a Coach with Heath Education England. Rachel was elected FRCPsych in 2010. Rachel brings considerable management experience and mental health expertise to PRIME.

Tony Kemp MBE MStJ MA DipIMC,RCSEd RN FHEA FAcadMEd is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and Advanced Healthcare Practice at the University of Bedfordshire in the UK. Teaching across a number of Masters’ programmes Tony has a particular interest and focus on simulation and workplace learning. He is also a Consultant Nurse in Prehospital Care and an Immediate Care Practitioner in the South East of England. He is regularly called to attend a range of emergency calls as well as providing senior clinical cover at a range of mass-gathering events. Tony is concerned with PRIME’s overall vision and the development of nurses within it’s programmes both as students and as tutors.

Dr Pablo Fernandez FPM, FRCP is a consultant pharmaceutical physician. Having worked initially in Medical Oncology. He joined the pharmaceutical Industry in 1979 and has headed international clinical research departments for a number of companies and has  served as an Officer of the FPM Board of Examiners, as well as the Panel Convenor for quality management of accredited courses for the Clinical Development module of the Pharmaceutical Medicine Specialty Training syllabus. Until recently Pablo headed up Graduate Ministries for the Christian Medical Fellowship and he brings a wide range of links with other organisations and experience of managing organisations.

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