Booking is now open for the PRIME Annual International Conference 2018!

Wednesday 21st - Saturday 24th March 2018
Northampton, UK
PRIME continues to grow into a truly global network of like-minded people taking their own initiatives within their culture and calling. The original core group seeks to maintain a facilitating hub, becoming a resourcing and encouraging centre rather than a dominant leading team. Numerous opportunities are opening up world-wide with new and growing national groups, academic centres and a range of health-care professionals and institutions. New challenges are also appearing, such as making better use of electronic media, the possibility of a global health course on-line, and what role religious leaders can play in health.
This conference will explore how we can best continue in this new direction, changing the role of PRIME tutors from those who go to deliver programmes to those who help establish and empower a group of people in the host country who share the PRIME vision and are able to take it forward themselves. The conference will include opportunities to hear from those who are doing just that, having grasped the vision of a wholistic approach to practising and teaching health-care as an expression of the love of Jesus.
There will be free time during the conference with opportunities available for networking, prayer and listening to each other and God.
People from all branches of healthcare involved in teaching and education are warmly invited.
Book online