PRIME Mental Health Study Day

Following the World Mental Health day on the 10th October; PRIME are holding a Mental Health Study day on 13th October.
Key note speaker Dr Gloria Dura-Vila whose recent publication Sadness, Depression and The Dark Night of the Soul –Transcending the Medicalisation of Sadness will share with us some of her work interviewing priests, monks, nuns and laity about their experience and reflections on depression and deep sadness.This work opens up a space for mental health practitioners, clergy and all of Christian faith to consider the nature of both depression and deep sadness and how we can most helpfully journey with those whilst they suffer.
Other keynote speakers include:
Ben Bano (Director of Telos. Co-chair of the National Forum of Spirituality and Mental Health) Dr Peter Saunders (CEO Christian Medical Fellowship)
Rebekah Golds-Jones (Diocesan Officer for Pastoral Care and Counselling)
For more details.