Sadness, Depression and the Dark Night of the Soul

The PRIME Mental Health Study Day is a day to equip all those striving for better mental health care to work together, within and alongside mental health services,
Friday 13th October 2017 10am to 5pm
CMF Conference Room, 6 Marshalsea Road London SE1 1HL
Key note speaker Dr Gloria Dura-Vila whose recent publication Sadness, Depression and The Dark Night of the Soul – Transcending the Medicalisation of Sadness will share with us some of her work interviewing priests, monks, nuns and laity about their experience and reflections on depression and deep sadness. This work opens up a space for mental health practitioners, clergy and all of Christian faith to consider the nature of both depression and deep sadness and how we can most helpfully journey with those whilst they suffer.
One aim is to consider with the benefit of these insights how this might influence our practice personally and in the organisations we find ourselves in.
This study day would be of particular interest to those working in the field of mental health, Clergy or anyone whose practice spans this area. All are welcome.