PRIME Mental Health Day - Restoring Dignity

Restoring Dignity
PRIME Mental Health Day 2015
Friday 16th October 2015
10am to 4.30pm
CMF, London SE1 1HL
Full delegate fee: £30, Reduced delegate fee: £20 (includes lunch and refreshments)
A day to equip all those striving for better mental health care to work together, within and alongside mental health services, especially in the developing world.
- To examine specifically the problems caused by disasters, imprisonment and conflict and what role PRIME might play in meetings these needs
- To examine new possibilities for improving mental health knowledge and awareness through electronic media
- To explore how church and community leaders might be involved and empowered to help those with mental health problems and counter social toxicity.
- To examine together what contribution PRIME can make in response to the increasing burden of mental health worldwide, especially in resource poor countries
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