... but as always ...

PRIME is growing year on year in a very stable and healthy manner. The measurable statistics speak for themselves, but as always the strength and fruitfulness of our work rests in the interpersonal envisioning that tutors offer within the context of their sharing and teaching. We sense a reawakening of many people's original dream of why they entered their caring profession in the first place. This underlying dream may well have a strong servant element of true service on behalf of others, and is often in focus with the caring heart of God. Alongside the formal teaching, PRIME seeks not only to reawaken this spirit but also to reaffirm it as strongly as possible in this age of cynical target-driven scientific medicine in which care of the whole person tends to be devalued. We believe this is a vital Christian calling on our lives.

We must give significant credit and thanks to many who have worked extremely hard and traveled to unfamiliar cultures in many continents. We will never know the full outcome of their labours but over and above the teaching itself we have strong confidence that the spiritual dynamic of their labours (for indeed it can be extremely tough work in many ways) will bear fruit 100 fold.

Growth requires a maturation of the charity's structure. We have made considerable progress in the formation of teams that are working together to progress the vision in particular areas of interest, whether geographical or of special interest. With support and coordination from the centre these teams will take on further responsibility and thus enlarge the horizontal community of this increasingly international community of PRIME.

The Values Added course for young practising doctors continues to be  a significant part of the vision, and we are hopeful that it will be taken up in other countries as well.

We continue to be so grateful for financial stability, not only for the generous grants that have been so encouraging, but for those friends who have quietly continued their monthly regular donations. Thank you!

The stability and success of PRIME is completely dependent on the wonderful skills and cheerful dedication of the administrative team. They are a blessing to us all.

As always we are determined that we all retain and emphasise that the work of PRIME is a mission of the Kingdom of God, led and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

"What does the Lord require of you O man, but that you act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God"
John Caroe, PRIME Chair

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